
Tremont Villa take your privacy seriously. We are committed to protecting any personal information you provide to us. To better protect your privacy, we have listed our policies about how your information is collected and used through

Personally Identifiable Information

We do track how visitors use this site so that we can see what people like and don’t like. We may also collect personal information about you via inquiry/reservations for future contact. We will not, however, release your name, e-mail address or any other personal information to anyone else unrelated to your Tremont Villa stay unless we have your consent or there is an emergency involving personal danger.


“Cookies” are small text files that allow Web sites to store and retrieve information about you from your computer system. We do not use cookies in order to retrieve any private or personally identifiable information from your computer.

Links to Other Sites

This site may provides links and pointers to websites maintained by other organizations. Tremont Villa provides these links as a convenience to users, but it does not operate, control or endorse such sites. Tremont Villa also disclaims any responsibility for the information on those sites and any products or services offered there, and cannot vouch for the privacy policies of such sites. Tremont Villa does not make any warranties or representations that any linked sites (or even this site) will function without error or interruption, that defects will be corrected, or that the sites and their servers are free of viruses and other problems that can harm your computer.

Policy Changes

This privacy policy is effective as of March 5, 2023. We may need to change it from time to time as technology and the nature of the Web keep evolving. We will post any changes to this policy as soon as they go into effect.

More Questions?

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us.